Recruitment Policy:
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Our Recruitment Policies:

1. Xpert Technologies is committed to providing high quality programs and services to our community. To support the achievement of this objective we recognise the importance of employing the most suitable applicant for all vacant positions.
2. Xpert Technologies will ensure it has the best opportunity to attract the best available staff by broadly advertising all vacant remunerated positions and volunteer vacancies.
Xpert Technologies will take all appropriate precautions to ensure that applicants may be safely entrusted with the duties of their position.
3. Xpert Technologies is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to providing a work environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.
4. All recruitment and selection procedures and decisions will reflect Xpert Technologies’s commitment to providing equal opportunity by assessing all potential candidates according to their skills, knowledge, qualifications and capabilities. No regard will be given to factors such as age, gender, marital status, race, religion, physical impairment or political opinions.
5. Xpert Technologies gives 3 months period for all recruited employees as a pre-confirmation period. After successful completion of 3 months of employment, Xpert Technologies will provide confirmation letter to candidate. If employee fails to perform or exceeds leaves more than 4 days and/ or late marks, candidate remains absent without single day intimation, Xpert Technologies reserves the rights to cancel his/her employment status anytime.
Policies can be established or altered only by the Xpert Technologies only.
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